Meet Jazib Rashid.........

Welcome to 'Meet the Team'

Here at Expedite we put great value on our people; without them we wouldn't be able to deliver our superb work. We're now throwing them into the spotlight so you can get to know the people behind the code. This week we have a chat with… Jazib Rashid.

What is your role within Expedite?


I work as a Web Developer, I was previously working as a Junior Developer.


How long have you been with Expedite and what drew you to us?


I have been working here for 5 years now. My university friend did an interview here and he had positive feedback about the company. When I came for an interview, I was impressed with Jay and Shakeel’s honesty about the company and the experiences they have had.


What does your day to day look like?


Meetings on various projects. Mentoring other team members. Reading into new technologic e.g. frameworks updates to ensure we are using frameworks that are still receiving security patches. Helping other team members with various queries and working on web projects.


What is your team like?


I work in the web development team. However, we are fluid as we work on various projects, people with relevant skills come together to deliver on a projects e.g. an integration with MatterSphere, a web dev and MatterSphere dev will come together to complete the project and then split off to work on another project.


What have been your biggest accomplishments on your team in the last 3 months?


I have delivered on a single sign on feature for a client portal. They wanted us to implement this feature for their clients so when they come from sloth platform, they don’t have to log into the client portal again. I analysed, developed and deployed the feature to production. To date we have not had a support ticket regarding this feature, which shows that we implemented the feature well.


What has been your experience with our company culture?

I think everyone is accessible, the company has a positive vibe, there are no difficult characters, and you can just be honest about any issue. Its good to see as we are expanding, we ensure the people we hire fit in well with our company culture.

How have you grown professionally while working with Expedite?

Yes, I joined fusion as a graduate however I have improved my technical, communication skills as well as BA, PM.

What are you looking forward to working on in the future?

New project as the company move more towards products, working on new products and integration.

What does the next 3 months look like for you?

I am turning my attention to our new product Nucleus project where will look towards automating various processes for Law firms.

Jazib Rashid (002)
Jazib Rashid (002)