
Send, sign and save any document to be digitally signed from MatterSphere 

Signing made easy: Allows you to send any document to be digitally signed from MatterSphere with a few clicks and saves the signed document back to MatterSphere.

eSign from Expedite Law - digitally sign documents from MatterSphere

What our clients say 

"We continue to work with Expedite Law on all of our MatterSphere related work and Expedite remain our first port of call for advice and guidance. Our journey with Expedite has been very positive and we would have no hesitation in recommending them as a supplier to any other organisation."

Luke Elstone-Bryan (Programme Manager — Bevan Brittan)

"At Birchall Blackburn Law we have embarked on a major program of improvements to our systems in the past few years, a large part of these improvements were to our Case Management System (MatterSphere). After a few successful deployments by Expedite Law, we were so impressed with the service that we entered into a development support agreement to bolster our internal IT support team. I would highly recommend the team at Expedite. They take the time to understand the firms they work with, providing excellent service at every turn."

Jonathan Dickinson (IT Manager — Birchall Blackburn Law)

"Expedite Law helped us to refine our conveyancing process and delivered us their Portal Plex product. The system has brought operational efficiencies and offers clients an electronic means of on boarding. For the more proactive of clients we have reduced the timescale to on board by almost 2 weeks which has reduced the average life of a case within our system. Expedite are always professional and their industry knowledge is extensive."

Lindsey Frith (Head of Conveyancing — Ramsdens Solicitors LLP)

Key Features

eSign integrates with MatterSphere and is a convenient, secure way of executing signatures online.

Enables any precedent to be digitally signed within MatterSphere

Generate a document, select client’s email and then send

View the signing process via a traffic light system

Each signed document is supported by a full audit trail of times and IP addresses of sender and signatory

Facility to send multiple documents to multiple signatories

Works in collaboration with leading digital providers

How does it work?

Select document

Send to client

Client receives email

Signature captured

Documents returned to MatterSphere

Documents signed as secure PDFs

See Examples

Get in touch or request a demo

Please complete the form and a member the Expedite team will be in touch soon to discuss your requirements.